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REBEL počekirajte štrike


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Še eno opozorilo oziroma huda nesreča z Rebel kajti.

Lastniki preverjajte svoje štrike in ne vzemite tega posta kot antireklamo temveč kot prispevek k vaši varnosti.


5 cents,




One of my friends I started kite with in 2000 has had a terrible accident this passed Monday at my home spot back in France. He was riding a 9m rebel (one the first kite released from production in France). His 5h line broke and he has been dragged on the beach for 100 yard or so and hit a cliff.


He has an excellent riding level (has been pro-rider for GK). He was found unconscious on the beach and is now at the hospital with several contusions and important fractures. The exact circumstances of the accident are not clear since he hasn’t recover memory.


This is the second similar accident that happened in France in the last 2 months.


Please, check very frequently your gear and rinse it with unsalted water. Though it worth a reminder.


Ride safe.


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Ja, baje imajo 2006 (prvi) modeli prešvoh 5ti štrik (od C kajtov) in znajo počt... mogoče bi ga lahko garancijsko zamenjali...


Mogoče bi klele na nek način opozoril tudi lastnike GK Sonicov da preverijo tist štrikec na pin release-ju (QR na chicken loopu), če je že kaj načet, men se je to namreč naredil po 15-20 sešnih, sicer na home made sistemu/drug štrik, samo previdnost ni odveč. "Problem" je v tem da je tisti del nekako skrit pred očmi s plastiko, vendar je princip delovanja enak kot pri meni...


Še eno opozorilo oziroma huda nesreča z Rebel kajti.

Lastniki preverjajte svoje štrike in ne vzemite tega posta kot antireklamo temveč kot prispevek k vaši varnosti.


5 cents,




One of my friends I started kite with in 2000 has had a terrible accident this passed Monday at my home spot back in France. He was riding a 9m rebel (one the first kite released from production in France). His 5h line broke and he has been dragged on the beach for 100 yard or so and hit a cliff.


He has an excellent riding level (has been pro-rider for GK). He was found unconscious on the beach and is now at the hospital with several contusions and important fractures. The exact circumstances of the accident are not clear since he hasn’t recover memory.


This is the second similar accident that happened in France in the last 2 months.


Please, check very frequently your gear and rinse it with unsalted water. Though it worth a reminder.


Ride safe.


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