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LSC letos odpade :(


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Po meni znanih podatkih to ne drži. V jezeru ni vode ker pač ni dežja. Bomo videli cez kakšen teden. Za enkrat je tam še led.


upam da maš prav, se mi pa čudno zdi, kje je ves sneg končal???



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Na LSC imajo tipčka, ki stalno piše kakšne so razmere na jezeru. Podobno kot pri nas polajnar. On ni nič omenil da bo jezero letos prazno. Res je tudi da na tem koncu italije je padlo ful malo padavin na bljižnjih smučiščih imajo okoli 40-50cm snega.

jaz sem optimist.

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  • 2 weeks later...
:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: odpade tud fosalon tko kot je dr. že v enem povstu napisal, gradbena dela na spotu so v polnem zagonu :evil:



:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:




ti hudiman še fosalon nm bojo spelal , sej ne morš verjet, bomo pa res v julijo mogl , a kdo kej ve če je za kajtanje v juliji treba kej plačevat??? :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

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LSC infos


copy-paste babelfish:


Past saturday we have made a inspection the lago of Croce Saint in order to verify the situation, inasmuch as lately numerous demands approximately modernizations on the state for the lago reached. Taken action of the fact that in the last years in this period most reckless had already collezionato some escape, siam armed to us with camera in order to understand what well it is happening. In synthesis: they have lowered the level of the water for being able to arrange a bank that is in order to franare: end here all normal school. The problem sussite in the fact that this reduction must last seems until the end of August. Practically for all the season: we are somewhat skeptical: of sure this it will not favor the plan of tourist development of the Alpago and the completed jobs the sure past year will not be sufficient to support a afflusso of sportswomen and not that they salted here in order to pass to afternoons or entire vacations to contact with the lago. The situation for hour is not rose-colored: the timid timid wind begins to enter in the afternoon hours and there is still much ice. Also on the situated one of the friends of the Venice Kite Company you can see an optimal release of Alecele who give the high of the lago reassume the aliquot lago between zone mud, one thin water strip (100 meters) and the rest cap model "iceberg". The only possible escape without muddy total (type 2 years ago) is to a hundred of poiatte meters under: surfisti and turbulences allowing. From the Sarathei camping the situation seems also worse with much free beach, mud and pebbles.


kakor jaz razumem s tega počnejo nekaj ob/na obali da bi lahko eno šolo imel (kite? surf?)





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