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Primerjava Sonic - Waroo


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Da ne bomo samo o enem govoril je tukaj primerjava med sonicom in waroom.


I've been riding the Sonic 11 for some weeks now. It took me a while to adjust the timing and getting used to the feel of the bar. The kite seems to grow on you. Overall I think to have it dialed in now and it has good upwind capabilities. THe low end is less than I was hoping for (less than a switchblade 12, similar to a Nemesis 12). Also I wish it was faster turning in the waves.


Last weekend the guys from funsplash.com let me try the new Waroo 9 in an interesting pink color. Thanks again! Here are some differences:

- all self-closing valves; Sonic has them only on smallest struts

- different bridle system; Waroo has a longer bridles

- big deflation valve and self closing main valve on Waroo

- Waroo best bar has swivel, Sonic doesn't


The Sonic has only one main valve in the center of the LE and 2 small valves at the ends of the bladder. THis way you can roll it up from one direction. I prefer the Nemesis valves since I never use the small valves and I like the self-closing valves.


The big dfference is the feel of the kite. The Waroo feels more like a C-kite at the bar. The kite seems more responsive. I totally felt at home with it. You can let go of the bar and it flies longer than the Sonic before it comes down. It is possible to unswivel the bar without using a stopper ball like the Sonic does. This setup also gives you more time to recover after a missed handle-pass. The most impresive part was the low end of this kite. It was possible to stay upwind in very light wind. Also the kite is very fast. A problem with the Sonic is if you unhook you usually have to depower the kite a little bit to hit the sweet spot. The Waroo has a depower strap that makes this a breeze while the Sonic needs to be adjusted with the clam cleat. Since the Sonic is very sensitive to small changes this can be though. For self landing the Waroo has two o-shit-handles on the sides that make it easy if you can't attach your chicken-loop to some object.


The Sonic relaunches pretty good, I did it many times. I can't really comment on the Waroo since I had it only twice in the water. It instantly walked to the side and relaunched. I guess they are both good in this department.


I bought the Sonic for the more direct feel and the simpler bar design compared to Xbow/switchblade. The Waroo 9 has improved even further. If the Waroo 12 would have similar handling it would be my choice. It would good to hear about a comparision with a Sonic 8.


2 other guys ordered the kite right after they tried it. I'm still tempted to go for it, too.


Tukaj pa še en waroo test:





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Aleš, kako je s tem depower-anjem, ko greš unhooked? izgleda res mal štorasto s tem cleat sistemom.


ja, očitno je fajt Sonic - Waroo vroč in če na hitro pogledaš po forumih, mogoče zadnjemu kaže malce bolje. je pa treba vzeti v obzir, da je Sonic na trgu že par mesecev in imaš mnenja bolj pravih kajtarjev, Waroojev je pa cca. 40 na celem svetu (Best claim), mnenja postajo praktično 4je kiterji, od tega 3je Best related (pavšalna ocena). previdno.



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Halo,Besta ne bi komentiral,ker imam o njem svoje mnenje,povedal bi samo da se tožijo,ker je Best kopiral KPO sistem in nasploh SONIC-a.

Uros-k nisi najboljše informiran,ker Slingshot popravlja bar in jih bo zamenjal dosedanjim kupcem.Kar se tiče voznih lastnosti TURBO DIESELA ti priporočam,da si kupiš novo številko magazina KITE in pogledaš test vseh bow-ow,da ne bom jaz pristranski.Posebej si preberi o SS TD in invertiranju,ter o windrangu,štartanju in hangtim-u.

O tem,da človek od Besta v primerjavi z SONIC-om govori,da nima low enda vam bo kaj več povedal PATRIK o današnjem ÈUDE®U v ližnjanu pri 8-11 vozlov.

Še o baru.V uvodu testa sem povedal,da je OTROÈJE LAHKI,kar ti bo mogoče potrdil moj 9 letni sin.Èe to ni dosti pol ne vem!

Peterkoman: UNHOOKED je pesmica, drugače ne znam povedat.Sicer boš se lahko prepričal na spotu,ko se vidimo.

Še enkrat: SONIC-u je treba dat 2 uri in dobro prebrat navodila o upravljanju pa je.

Vsi imajo neko potrebo,da se primerjajo s SONIC-om dajte se vprašat zakaj in dobro prebrat vse poste od navadnih ljudi,ki so ta kajt naredli in ne marketing,kot ga vsi zdaj izvajajo,ko so vidli,da so prodajni rezultati krepko v prid BOW kajtom,ki jih niti pod razno ni za metat v isti koš.

ÈE IMA KDO NAMEN SONIC-A KUPIT vam po današnjem dnevu še z večjo samozavestjo dam GARANCIJO na to kaj sem povedal.Mislim,da je to dovolj očitno povedanu o delovanju SONIC-a

lp Aleš

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G'day Fellow GK Distributors.


We have had an awesome season in Australia with the New GK Sonic.


We've been making kiteboards for 7 years, but this is my first ever season distributing kites.


The GK Sonic has been a huge hit here - over 200 kites sold and we're still only halfway through the season.


If you haven't yet tried the GK sonic get onto it ... it is the best kite we've ever ridden and the best of the "bow style" kites on the market. It's a total new revolution in kiting that enables us to ride in ways we never thought possible. The GK sonic has opened up a new realm of wave riding - sail out fully powered & then de-power fully on the wave.


We're also pushing crazy new board speeds - on guy here clocked 48knots on his GPS


En izsek od navdušenega distributera iz Avstralije.Ta človek je vozil vse kar se je dalo dobit na trgu zadnjih 5 let.Isto je moje mnenje in takih vam lahko pokažem stotine,ki jih dobiva Mat Pendle od GK-ja

lp Aleš

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Problem pri one pump (vsaj pri prvih generacijah) je to da pride do prevelike razlike v pritisku tub (predvsem glavna/stranske) oz. so stranske malo napumpane...


Jst pa ne morem verjet, da klapa še vedno razpravlja o self-closing ventilih na tamalih tubah, ko pa je mislim da že nekaj let na svetu onepump.

Kej je res tolk težko ta sistem na en tak revolucionaren kajt naštimat.

Zaradi tega bi dvakrat premislu, če bi kupu tak kajt...

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Jst imam onepump kite letnik 2004 in nisem zaznal takega problema. Iz samega fizikalnega vidika tudi ne vidim vzroka za razliko v tlaku v različnih delih tube in v stranskih. Sploh pa ne take, da bi pomembno vplivala na obnašanje kajta...

...in kljub temu, če onepump mogoče ni še dovolj razvit, pa si tako revolucionaren kajt kot je sonic zasluži vsaj nepovratne ventile na vseh tubah.



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Očitno SONIC ni tako revolucionaren in zato ODSVETUJEM nakup,da ne bi kdo IZDIHNIL ,ko ga bo pumpal.

Bi pa vseeno ti rekel,da si preberi razlog zakaj nima povratnih ventilov

PS: Vsaka stvar je za nekaj dobra!





Ker me očitno provociraš,ti bom povedal sledeče: SONIC ima štiri vrvice,ti imaš novejši kajt zato domneveam,da jih imaš 5.

Ti ga par sekund hitreje napumpaš,jaz pa par sekund namestim prej gor vrvice.

NEVERJETNO: OBA sma par SEKUND na vodi hitreje kot tisti,ki nima niti štirih vrvic niti one pumpa.Prava zmagovalca


Dajte,če mate kaj proti SONIC-u vsaj probajte izpodbijat dejstva,ki sem jih navedel,ne pa z takimi no,saj smo odrasli.


p.s.: VEŠ KAJ BI JAZ DAL ZA ONE PUMP,meni tud ni jasno,zakaj ga vsi kajti nimajo odkrito povedano!!!!!!

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El Magico: Ni razlika v tlaku, je pa razlika v napetosti na steno ki jo tlak povzroči.. Enak tlak bo v tubi z manjšim premerom povzročil manjšo napetost tube in posledično bo tuba delovala kot da je majn napihnjena.. Enako je pri avtomobilski gumi in gumi za kolo.. Ze večji ekstreem pa je guma na rolerjih (napihljiva), saj jo moras napihnit na 4+bare..



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no neki tazga sem mislil, hvala ker si dopolnil :wink:


El Magico: Ni razlika v tlaku, je pa razlika v napetosti na steno ki jo tlak povzroči.. Enak tlak bo v tubi z manjšim premerom povzročil manjšo napetost tube in posledično bo tuba delovala kot da je majn napihnjena.. Enako je pri avtomobilski gumi in gumi za kolo.. Ze večji ekstreem pa je guma na rolerjih (napihljiva), saj jo moras napihnit na 4+bare..



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